Arriving under the cover of night, we hiked up Mount Sinai (where Moses is said to have been given the ten commandments by god.) With naught but the light of the moon to show us what laid before us, we were blind to our surroundings. Hiking an hour and a half straight up the side of a mountain, in the middle of the night, freezing to death as we became drenched in our own sweat, it was hard to imagine how it could be worth it. After a couple stops at Bedouin coffee shops to warm up along the way, we finally made it to the top and there we settled in to a comfy stone wall, wrapping up in a blanket to wait for that first ray of light to make it's way around the earth and expose the grandeur before us. Of all the things I have witnessed in my life, nothing compares to this moment. The vibrant colors transforming the sky in each and every stage of the sun rise was spectacular. There is no way I can truly describe it to you, so I hope you enjoy this photo blog of our glorious sun rising from atop Mount Sinai. (To read about my experience in more detail read about my fortnight in the Middle East.)

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