"If you go down to the woods today your sure of a big surprise. If you go down to the woods today you better go in disguise!!!" |
Leaving my wild imagination on the Abrams Falls trail, I made my way out of the tranquility it so graciously provided and headed straight back to my car. Driving out of the parking lot, I had given up any expectations I'd had of seeing a bear and clung to the slight flickering of hope that remained. As I approached the main road, I noticed a massive row of cars disappearing into the distance, and a crowd of people, cameras out stretched, spanning the side of the road. Parking my car off to the side near where the two roads met, I foolishly grabbed my camera and went to join the crowd, expecting to see a family of deer. However, I was shocked when a massive black bear came into view and two little heads were visible along her side. Don't be mistaken, it has long been a dream of mine to see a bear in the wild, let alone a mother bear with her cubs but the proximity by which this crowd was observing this wild bear startled me and I quickly left the crowd to see if I could get a better view point from the safety of my vehicle.
Sitting in my car watching a black bear gorge on berries with her two little cubs I was perplexed by who was more intellectually challenged. The people for standing within paws reach of the wild animal or the bear for not being more perturbed by the ever encroaching crowd. It was as if the people felt the overgrown vegetation the bear was foraging in somehow created a protective aura that would prohibit the mother bear from attacking them in defense of her cubs. Interestingly enough many of the onlookers were mothers and fathers with their children, who have likely referenced the popular metaphor, "you don't want to mess with mama bear's cubs" in regards to themselves with their own children. Yet somehow they still stand precariously close and snap away with their snazzy cameras. Luckily for everyone involved this mama was not in a fighting mood and left the people alone, wandering off to a more tranquil pasture on the other side of the road.

She was so strong and majestic as she wandered off into the distance with her two little cubs close in tow. One cub solid with its footing, managing to stay at her heel and the other stumbling occasionally as it was still mastering the art of walking. I felt honored to witness such a fabulous family outing and felt refreshed as I watched these wild animals escape the paparazzi observing them. If this mother had felt threatened she could have attacked the crowd and then would likely have been put to death for reacting to this human threat in such a naturally instinctive way. However, luckily she impressed me and walked away somehow resisting her instincts.

As the sun set in my rear-view I left the cove and made my way back to Knoxville. It had been a magical & unbelievable day that is sure to stay with my for the rest of my life. The Great Smoky Mountains and the wildlife inhabiting them truly are a natural wonder of the US and are worth experiencing by anyone even remotely interested in the outdoors. (But please, if you do go, show some respect to the bears and keep your distance.)
"At six o'clock their mommies and daddies will take them home to bed, because their tired little teddy bears..."
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