I did not have a normal childhood by any stretch of the imagination. My favorite form of transportation is and always has been flying through the air. My favorite place to spend a random day is in an airport. I grew up running towards jet-ways and peering out of a window to find myself in blue sky with clouds above and below me. As soon as I take that first step into an airport I get this inexplicable rush of excitement followed by that sense of calm you get when you finally make it home after a long day. An airport, to me, is a home away from home and having spent so much time in them I have some valuable advice I would like to share with you to hopefully help you enjoy it too.
1. Arrive Early and Remember... Security is Your Friend!
If your flight is within the domestic US arrive at the airport at least an hour and a half before your flight is scheduled to board. However, if it is an international flight, give yourself 2 to 3 hours before your flight is scheduled to board to make it through security, especially if you are outside the US. More than likely there will be a line. Just relax. Security is there for everyone's safety. You might find it "annoying" or "stupid" but at the end of the day, it is there to help keep you alive. You know it is going to be there so don't act surprised that you have to go through it. Relax, be prepared when you go through (have your liquids bag ready, take everything out of your pockets, and push your bags onto the conveyor belt) and whatever you do don't argue with the personnel!
2. Keep Calm & Carry On.
(Yes, I am aware that this point was in my Guide to Being a Good Tourist but it is so true!) If you are able to do so, don't check any bags. I realize that this can be challenging traveling with young children and there are obviously times when you can not avoid checking a bag but if possible only bring carry-ons. Think about it, if your bags are with you all the time then you are the only person who can lose them and trust me, nothing will ruin a trip faster then lost luggage. As a female who likes to have options, I understand the desire to bring lots of different outfits since you can't be sure what you will be in the mood to wear, but be realistic. Bring clothes that will mix and match making multiple outfits and wash them in sinks or bathtubs with Sea to Summit pocket laundry strips so they can be re-worn. Tie your shoes to the outside of your bag, wear your jackets, and leave your big liquid bottles at home (you can buy liquids at your destination so leave them out). Don't forget, there are size restrictions so check with your airline to see what size carry on and personal item you can take on the flight.
3. Patience My Friend!
Anticipate waiting! Whenever people travel they are always in such a rush to wait. It has always baffled me how everyone gets so hot and bothered about each phase of waiting in an airport. People hustle through security aggravated by the line so they can then sit and wait for the flight to board. Then as soon as it gets close to the scheduled boarding time people begin to stand in line waiting for the flight to board (even if the flight is delayed) so that they can sit on a plane for hours until they reach their destination. When you head to the airport you know that you will not be arriving at your destination until the scheduled arrival time on your boarding card, so what's the rush? Just relax and enjoy yourself. Come prepared to wait. Read a book or watch a movie on your tablet. Talk to whomever you are traveling with or listen to some music. The gate agents will let you know when it is time for your group to board so until that group gets called the only thing you have to worry about is that you have nothing to worry about.
4. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff
Flights get delayed all the time for a variety of reasons and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. If you have a connecting flight, calmly alert the airline that you are going to miss your connection and they will take care of you. If there is a mechanical problem wouldn't you rather they fix it? If the conditions are too dangerous to fly in wouldn't you rather stay grounded? Mother nature can be a wicked witch at times. Crazy weather can blow in and lock down a region for days, shutting down airports and leaving travelers stranded. The airline didn't order a hurricane especially because they heard you were flying. There is nothing they can do about a blizzard so find somewhere comfortable to camp and nestle in for the long haul.
5. Airplane Food is Far from Ideal while Airport Food is for Real!
If you are travelling on a domestic flight then you have to buy food, so bringing food on the plane with you is a given. But what about on an international flight, when the food is free? I doubt it is news to anyone but stringy beef or rubber chicken hardly count as a tasty meal. Therefor, whenever possible, I always bring something tasty on board with me. A yogurt parfait, a sandwich, a smoothie, a to go meal from an airport restaurant, anything that is real and will keep my tummy happy. Sure airplane food is all right but would you rather get a 2 inch square bag of pretzel sticks or reach in your bag to pull out a tasty pastry?
6. You are Not the Only Person Traveling...
I can not begin to count the number of times I have been on a flight where the people around me seem to forget they are not home alone. If you want to chat with someone, make sure they are sitting next to you and you are using inside voices. Now then, that doesn't mean whisper, just don't raise your voice because the pressure in your ears is making you a little deaf. Also, don't forget there is probably someone sitting in the seat in front of you so don't use the back of it to help you stand up or jam your feet in their back. Be considerate of the people around you and hopefully they will show you the same courtesy in return.
7. Hydrate & Exercise.
Unless you are travelling on the dream-liner you are pretty much guaranteed to get dehydrated on the flight. Dehydration = killer headache = miserable flight. It is always hard to keep up with your hydration in the air, especially on a long haul flight but I can not stress how important it is. I know that drinking a lot of water means having to get up to use the restroom a lot but that is way better than the consequences of dehydration. Plus, getting up and walking around occasionally throughout the flight is good for your body. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a dangerous risk associated with flying and although everyone has their own personal susceptibility to DVTs it is important for people to keep their blood circulating healthily through their body. So even if you don't get up and walk around, make sure to spend some time in your seat getting the blood flowing in your legs (without going too crazy and bothering the people around you.)
8. It's the Little Things in Life...
Good music, a movie, tasty snacks, noise cancelling head phones, a blow up neck pillow, an eye mask, and a jacket that can be used as a blanket make a world of difference. Having an aisle seat is nice because you can occasionally stretch your legs out into the aisle however, this is often short lived due to the traffic in the aisles. A window seat, on the other hand, is fantastic because it gives you extra room as you have a wall to lean on and no carts whizzing by and bashing your elbows. My favorite way to sleep (or zone out and pretend to sleep because of an over chatty neighbor) is to listen to music through my beats with my zip up hoodie on backwards (hood up), leaning on the window. This way, the hood covers my face blocking out all of the light without stopping me from breathing fresh air, the jacket keeps me warm, and the music in conjunction with the noise cancelling technology blocks out all the ambient noise around me.
9. Double Check Before you Disembark
Don't forget to check all around your seat before rushing off that flight. Check in the seat back pocket in front of you, between the seats, in the over head bins, and under the seats as well. Once you have checked everywhere, check again. Once you are off that plane, it doesn't matter what you forgot, you are not getting back on to find it and the likely hood of you ever seeing it again are slim to none. I have lost a phone, a camera, an iPod, a painting even a credit card from a duty free purchase and I have never seen them again. So even though you are excited to finally get out of the tube you have been sitting in for hours, make sure you still have everything you brought on the flight before you step out of that airplane door.
10. Immigration & Customs...
This is always the hardest part. You have been travelling for hours, waiting and waiting and waiting to arrive at your exciting destination and you are greeted by massive lines at immigration & customs. Even though you know it is there it doesn't make the queue any less disappointing. You made it! You arrived! Yet here you are waiting. However, no matter how sorry you are feeling for yourself, you have to feel 10 times more sorry for the agents that have to deal with thousands of miserable travelers who see them as the worst part of their day. So be prepared, make sure your immigration forms are filled out completely and correctly. Don't forget they decide whether or not they are going to let you in to their country, so swallow your pride, be patient, and let them do their job, it will make it a whole lot less painful for everyone involved.
11. Baggage Claim
If you didn't check a bag, then just cruise right on by not even taking a moment to glance back! However, if you did check a bag, then stand back and wait. Other people need to get their bags too, so give them space and when you see your bag go for it. When checking a bag it is important to make sure your bag is distinguishable from all the rest to make it easier to spot on the conveyor belt. If not a colorful bag then add a colorful strap. Straps are important because in the event that your zipper fails you will have a backup and won't have to be that person picking up their underwear from the belt. So if you have to have a strap already you might as well pick one that will help you locate you bag with ease while minimizing the chances someone will mistake it for their own and wander off with it.
12. Air Miles are Gold!
Whenever you are flying somewhere don't forget to get your air miles! Earn miles from your flights until you collect enough to purchase a flight at minimal cost to you by using your miles. Make sure you sign up for a frequent flyer account on any and every airline you travel with so you never miss out on those golden miles. Don't forget to sign your children up as well, even a 10 month old baby can start earning their own frequent flyer miles if they have a seat. Who knows, they might have enough miles by the time they are 18 to get a free birthday flight somewhere! Trust me, even if you don't travel often, you will be surprised how quickly they can add up!
The real secret to having an enjoyable experience travelling via the airways is to relax and have fun with the experience. The flight in and of itself is an adventure and whether you are travelling internationally or domestically each airport is individual with something unique to offer. I love exploring airports, especially on a layover, because they give you a little sample of the area's culture. Flights are almost as exciting as airports to me because you are forced to relax, catch up on movies or finally read that book you have been desperate to crack open. No phone, no internet (not free internet anyway), total freedom from societal demands. So hey, if you are going to be stuck in an airport or on a flight you might as well make the most of it and have a little fun. Be careful though, you might end up like me and always find yourself dreaming of the next one.

If your flight is within the domestic US arrive at the airport at least an hour and a half before your flight is scheduled to board. However, if it is an international flight, give yourself 2 to 3 hours before your flight is scheduled to board to make it through security, especially if you are outside the US. More than likely there will be a line. Just relax. Security is there for everyone's safety. You might find it "annoying" or "stupid" but at the end of the day, it is there to help keep you alive. You know it is going to be there so don't act surprised that you have to go through it. Relax, be prepared when you go through (have your liquids bag ready, take everything out of your pockets, and push your bags onto the conveyor belt) and whatever you do don't argue with the personnel!
2. Keep Calm & Carry On.
(Yes, I am aware that this point was in my Guide to Being a Good Tourist but it is so true!) If you are able to do so, don't check any bags. I realize that this can be challenging traveling with young children and there are obviously times when you can not avoid checking a bag but if possible only bring carry-ons. Think about it, if your bags are with you all the time then you are the only person who can lose them and trust me, nothing will ruin a trip faster then lost luggage. As a female who likes to have options, I understand the desire to bring lots of different outfits since you can't be sure what you will be in the mood to wear, but be realistic. Bring clothes that will mix and match making multiple outfits and wash them in sinks or bathtubs with Sea to Summit pocket laundry strips so they can be re-worn. Tie your shoes to the outside of your bag, wear your jackets, and leave your big liquid bottles at home (you can buy liquids at your destination so leave them out). Don't forget, there are size restrictions so check with your airline to see what size carry on and personal item you can take on the flight.
3. Patience My Friend!

4. Don't Sweat the Small Stuff

5. Airplane Food is Far from Ideal while Airport Food is for Real!
If you are travelling on a domestic flight then you have to buy food, so bringing food on the plane with you is a given. But what about on an international flight, when the food is free? I doubt it is news to anyone but stringy beef or rubber chicken hardly count as a tasty meal. Therefor, whenever possible, I always bring something tasty on board with me. A yogurt parfait, a sandwich, a smoothie, a to go meal from an airport restaurant, anything that is real and will keep my tummy happy. Sure airplane food is all right but would you rather get a 2 inch square bag of pretzel sticks or reach in your bag to pull out a tasty pastry?
6. You are Not the Only Person Traveling...

7. Hydrate & Exercise.
Unless you are travelling on the dream-liner you are pretty much guaranteed to get dehydrated on the flight. Dehydration = killer headache = miserable flight. It is always hard to keep up with your hydration in the air, especially on a long haul flight but I can not stress how important it is. I know that drinking a lot of water means having to get up to use the restroom a lot but that is way better than the consequences of dehydration. Plus, getting up and walking around occasionally throughout the flight is good for your body. Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a dangerous risk associated with flying and although everyone has their own personal susceptibility to DVTs it is important for people to keep their blood circulating healthily through their body. So even if you don't get up and walk around, make sure to spend some time in your seat getting the blood flowing in your legs (without going too crazy and bothering the people around you.)
8. It's the Little Things in Life...

9. Double Check Before you Disembark
Don't forget to check all around your seat before rushing off that flight. Check in the seat back pocket in front of you, between the seats, in the over head bins, and under the seats as well. Once you have checked everywhere, check again. Once you are off that plane, it doesn't matter what you forgot, you are not getting back on to find it and the likely hood of you ever seeing it again are slim to none. I have lost a phone, a camera, an iPod, a painting even a credit card from a duty free purchase and I have never seen them again. So even though you are excited to finally get out of the tube you have been sitting in for hours, make sure you still have everything you brought on the flight before you step out of that airplane door.
10. Immigration & Customs...
11. Baggage Claim
If you didn't check a bag, then just cruise right on by not even taking a moment to glance back! However, if you did check a bag, then stand back and wait. Other people need to get their bags too, so give them space and when you see your bag go for it. When checking a bag it is important to make sure your bag is distinguishable from all the rest to make it easier to spot on the conveyor belt. If not a colorful bag then add a colorful strap. Straps are important because in the event that your zipper fails you will have a backup and won't have to be that person picking up their underwear from the belt. So if you have to have a strap already you might as well pick one that will help you locate you bag with ease while minimizing the chances someone will mistake it for their own and wander off with it.
12. Air Miles are Gold!

The real secret to having an enjoyable experience travelling via the airways is to relax and have fun with the experience. The flight in and of itself is an adventure and whether you are travelling internationally or domestically each airport is individual with something unique to offer. I love exploring airports, especially on a layover, because they give you a little sample of the area's culture. Flights are almost as exciting as airports to me because you are forced to relax, catch up on movies or finally read that book you have been desperate to crack open. No phone, no internet (not free internet anyway), total freedom from societal demands. So hey, if you are going to be stuck in an airport or on a flight you might as well make the most of it and have a little fun. Be careful though, you might end up like me and always find yourself dreaming of the next one.
Some good advice in here for sure. I have nearly a million lifetime miles and 450,000 of them are on United. I can relate to a love for airports! One thing I always do is pack a bag of home made trail mix, and bring an empty water bottle to fill after security. Nuts are a good source of energy and its easy to snack on and pack.
ReplyDeleteI will certainly follow your blog, mine is travelguy.blogspot.com
Thanks! Love the homemade trail mix idea! Will have to start doing that too! Maybe I will see you up in the air one day :-) Happy Travels!