Our world is a place of beauty and wonder. Strip away the politics and deep-seated beliefs and you are left with love. Unfortunately, the love we show to those we hold near and dear to our hearts does not always extend to our fellow humans. The ground offensive has begun in Gaza and the tension with Russia & Ukraine is ever growing. It is sad to say that with these conflicts comes death and the world has suffered yet another tremendous loss.
Yesterday, July 17th 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 was shot out of the air by a Buk missile while flying over Ukraine, leaving 298 people dead. The civilians on this flight, irrelevant to the conflict raging 30,000 feet below them, lost their lives suddenly, in an horrific way, for no reason at all. Mothers & fathers, sons & daughters, students, holiday makers, humanitarians, and activists. These people were each special in their own way and had more to offer the world. (Here is an article from the BBC about some of the victims.)
Over 100 of the victims on the flight were travelling to the Global AIDS Conference in Australia. Many of them had dedicated their professional lives to AIDS research in the hopes of making a difference in the global fight against AIDS. (Article from the Australian about the AIDS activists lost to flight MH17.) Therefore, in honor of these humanitarian heroes, I am asking those of you who can to make a donation to the Foundation for Aids Research to help fight the disease these people had dedicated their lives towards.
According to the Foundation for AIDS Research more than 35 million people worldwide are now living with HIV/AIDS and 3.3 million of them are younger than 15 years old. This is unacceptable and we, the citizens of mother Earth, need to help put a stop to this indiscriminate disease. By donating to the Foundation for AIDS Research you will be funding the scientific race for a cure and the ongoing battle to understand this cruel disease. Please follow this link to DONATE to the Foundation for AIDS Research in honor of the lives lost on flight MH17!
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