It was an average Thursday, and I was sitting listening to my professor lecture on the outbreak of World War I. In that moment the last thing I ever had expected was that I would be spending my weekend flying to Vienna to buy a cake and be back in class on Monday morning.
My professor, notorious for giving the most challenging exams with the fewest high marks, had a reputation as a fun but incredibly intense professor. Going into the class you knew that there was little to no extra credit available, you had to work hard for your marks and if you faltered even slightly so would your GPA. Hence, when he decided to make the bold statement that if any student in our class went to Vienna, the capital of the former Austro-Hungrarian empire, for the weekend and could prove it to him they would get an automatic A on the final. Hands instantly shot up and several students began to ask him the seriousness & parameters of this offer. The moment I heard him say he was deadly serious, the cogs in my mind which had been barely turning began to race wildly. This was it, this was the break I had been hoping for, all I had to do was make it to Vienna and back without missing any classes.
The minute class was dismissed I rushed outside and called my mum to hatch out a plan. The best way to get to Vienna and back by Monday morning was to fly via London Heathrow and luckily for me the flights were wide open.

Back on campus, armed with a bag stuffed with a Sacher Torte, boarding cards, receipts, and pictures, I found my self shaking as I walked towards my professor's office. Arriving outside his door I steadied my breath and knocked on the door. It was still the beginning of the semester, and my professor, who clearly did not know my name, invited me in, totally oblivious as to why I was there baring a bundle of stuff. I could feel my facing flush bright red as I told him I had just arrived back from Vienna and had brought him a cake. He had been looking at some papers on his desk and he slowly lifted his eyes to meet mine and said, "Excuse me?"
"Well you said in class that if anyone went to Vienna for the weekend and could prove it they would get an automatic A on the final." I responded.
This man, my professor, whom I had never known to be at a loss for words was literally speechless. He just stared at me quizzically and finally said, "What's your name again."
"Phoebe, uh, Phoebe Cooper" I told him nervously.
"Right, sorry Phoebe, and you just went to Vienna this past weekend?"
"Yes, well you said you were serious, so I brought you a Sacher Torte and some photos of some of the monuments I saw." I responded as I passed him the bag of goodies. "I placed my boarding cards and some receipts in here for you as well."My professor took the bag and flipped through some of the photos before placing them all down on his desk. Looking up at me with a smile on his face totally at a loss for words he said, "Thank you, I" and just stood there for what felt like an eternity in silence. By this point I was bright red and holding my hands behind my back to try to mask how much I was shaking. Heart pounding in my chest so loudly I felt he must be able to hear it I stood looking at him waiting for his response.
"I can't technically give you an automatic A on the final," he finally stated, "it is against regulations. I know what I said but I didn't expect, anyway, don't worry, I will definitely see you get credit for this, I just need a few days to think about it."Now I was the one who was speechless.
"Thank you for the cake Phoebe, let's discuss this further after class tomorrow."
Walking out of the door I finally found my breath and walking away the mix of nerves and adrenaline that had been rushing through my body slowly began to mellow. I swiftly called my mum and told her all about it. Extra credit or not, it had been the most fabulous adventure and I was so thrilled I had the means to accomplish it. My professor, never forgot my name, and his class quickly became one of my favorites. In the end, although I did get some extra credit points for my trip I didn't need them after all as I became so enamored by the material that I aced the class anyway.Finally finding my voice, I replied, "I understand, sounds good to me, see you tomorrow professor."
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