Thursday, August 7, 2014

Caution - Alligators (Do Not Feed or Approach)

While some countries have lions or tigers roaming the wild, here in Texas we have alligators and snakes! I have countless memories at Brazos Bend State Park. I remember going to the park when I was just a little girl with my big brother and staying on the look out for Ali the Gator while we played. With plenty of strange spiders, goofy bugs, and beautiful birds to entertain, we had a blast exploring while our parents enjoyed answering the million questions we had about everything all around us. Sitting atop my fathers shoulders, I felt like I could see the whole world & I would squint off into the distance desperately trying to be the first to spot a gator bathing in the lake. 

Now that I am all grown up, I still love to visit Brazos Bend. It is the perfect place to escape from the busy city, stretch my legs, and feel like I am on an adventure as I see if I can catch a glimpse of a glorious alligator. 

The park has plenty of places for the public to enjoy, providing a playground, picnic areas complete with BBQ pits, look out points, walking paths, and even a massive tower you can climb to look down on Forty-Acre Lake for a birds eye view of the wildlife below. 

For those in search of more than pedestrian exploration, the park offers its visitors a wide array of activities  My favorite stop was always the nature center, as there you can learn about the different ecosystems and wildlife in the park. However, you don't have to stick with the educational options. Biking is permitted along the many trails, and visitors are even allowed to camp & go horseback riding as that park provides primitive equestrian campsites for people wanting to camp with their horses. Want to try something a little less active? How about try your luck at catching some fish! Visitors are welcome to fish from six of the lakes and though they should probably do so with caution, I am sure it is still just as relaxing as fishing in a lake without alligators. 

Everywhere you look you are reminded that there are alligators roaming the park, so to keep your eyes peeled, your pets leashed, and your children close. Part of the charm of visiting Brazos Bend is the alligators, but adventurers beware! The alligators are wild! So don't forget to respect their space and give them a wide berth while observing them! Thankfully, unlike my experience with the black bears in the Smoky Mountains, every time I have seen people spying on the alligators they tend to proceed with extreme caution. (Though this is likely due to the fact that even baby alligators don't look cute and cuddly like the black bears of the Smokies.)

Brazos Bend is a true Texas favorite of mine, and I heartily recommend it to anyone with an adventurers soul looking for a different experience than the bog-standard Houston. Just don't forget to keep a look out for alligators!

Hope you enjoy these photographs taken from my last trip out to Brazos Bend. Each time I have a totally different experience that never fails to be awesome!

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